Friday 24 April 2015

Marrow bone with mushroom "crackers"

Simple recipe four ingredients. 
Marrow bone
Dried Coriander
Spring onion
And a large mushroom

Sprinkle the dried coriander over the marrow bone.
Roast the bones for about 15 mins.
Cut the mushrooms into length strips.
Cut the spring onion into small pieces.
When the bones are done serve ready to eat.

Sunday 30 November 2014

Herby Squash Soup

Herby Squash Soup

It's winter and we have a veg box full of winter veg, our fridge is overflowing with it and we hate waste, what's a Paleo Dad to do? 
Soup of course, the final destination for all things slightly brown, a bit passed their best or occasionally the 'what on earth is that?' veg. I made this one as we had three cauli's a 'what on earth is that?' squash and some random tiny shallots and onion about to need composting. To help with the winter chill I added enough cajun spice to feel warming but not enough to really be a cajun dish, it's definitely more herb than spice and perfect for a cold winters evening sat around a roaring (electric) fire. It's also got the toddler mark of approval, we had it with my version of coconut bread and lots and lots of butter, but you could easily sub coconut oil or another fat if you wanted.
Further research shows our unknown squash is either a crown prince squash or more likely a green kabacha squash, but any sweet tasting squash would probably do, knock yourself out.

4/5 very small shallots
2 small onions
2 cloves of garlic
2 sticks of celery
1 Butternut Squash
1 other medium sweet squash
1 head cauliflower
2 flatcap mushrooms
1 cup beef bone broth
1 tsp Cajun spice
2 tbsp parsley
1 tbsp sage

Sunday 10 March 2013

Paleo Devilled Almonds

I wanted to start my first recipe post with something nice and simple, I know that most people on the Paleo diet don't need snacks. However there is always the odd occasion where something to nibble on is just what you want, or you can use this as part of a salad or larger meal chopped up for crusting fish or meat. Our reason we find we need nibbles is Paleo-mum feeding Tiddler. One of the things you find a breastfeeding mother needs a lot of is snacks! When I say a lot I mean A LOT, no disrespect to my wife but right now she eats like a horse and its a struggle to have enough Paleo food to feed her without being behind the stove all the time.

These almonds are based on something we bought for Christmas from one of our favourite places Riverford Orgainc Farms I Paleoised it, though depending on how you eat Paleo will depend on how often you want to eat something so high in Omega 6. We rotate it with other things we eat and it's certainly not an everyday food but it makes a nice change. For Paleo-Tiddler who is just starting solids I blended it to a bit of a paste with a little extra coconut oil and put it on some veg sticks, it makes a nice devilled nut butter and is just as good for those of us with teeth too so if you have a blender that's a good option too.

I've given quantities but don't worry too much, variation is no bad thing so change things up as you feel the need. The one thing I would personally stick to is Paprika as the main spice base, but you can experiment if you want to.

Devilled Almonds

Enough Coconut Oil to cover the bottom of a pan (we use this ebay seller naissanceuk)
1 tsp Paprika
1/2 tsp Ground Coriander
1/2 tsp Ground Cumin
1/2 tsp Chilli Powder
1/2 tsp Sea Salt Flakes (optional)

Large heavy bottomed pan 
Jar with lid (put your spice mix in this jar)

1) Cover the bottom of a large heavy bottomed pan with coconut oil

2) Throw in your nuts and stir or shake the pan till lightly browned
3) Turn out into a jar filled with your spice mix and shake till nuts are coated
4) Throw the nuts back into your pan and fry stirring continuously so it doesn't burn for a further three minutes or until the spices become aromatic
5) Cool then eat or keep in your jar

Any Paleo snack ideas? Are you morally opposed to snacking? Do you snack non-Paleo food?